NS H0 III IV DC The Roco model is a completely new construction built exactly to the scale of 1:87. The engineer’s cab and the machine room were equipped with reproductions of the interior fi ttings. The intermediate and control cars built to scale were fi tted out accordingly and are prepared for interior lights. The headlight generated by a warm-white LED changes with the train’s direction, both in the power end car and in the control car. The powered rail car train is connected by means of a special conductive coupler; current pick-up is always eff ected by the part located at the front in the direction in which the train is traveling. The biggest highlight is the pithy, full-bodied sound of this electric propulsion system, which used to announce the arrival of the TEE powered rail car train prototype when it was still a long way away. This sound function is also to be heard in analog mode. Furthermore, in digital mode there are more than 12 other sound functions, such as a two-tone horn, auxiliary motor and screeching brakes.